Wednesday, December 2, 2009

another day, another audition

After a month of silence on the audition front, it seems that things are picking up. Following the migraine episode, I was sent to an honest-to-goodness national commercial audition followed by another go-see for a print ad. So far no callbacks and no jobs, but I have a feeling this won't get depressing until I'm turned down at least 20 times. After all, it's so very apparent that it's all about type. I can comfort myself with the fact that when I walk in there they may already have in mind a 5'6" blond with a perky nose, and no amount of personality or talent will make one whit of difference. Okay, I can comfort myself with that fact OR get very depressed about it. I choose the former. And with that in mind, it's all fun and games.

On the other hand, nothing makes one's expendability hit home like a room full of beautiful "moms," "doctors," and plain ol' "35-40 year old females" in corporate casual. Yikes. At least when you interview for a job, you see - at most - one other candidate coming or going. Here, it's all out on the table: you are one of many and you're probably not The One.

But I can say this: after just 3 experiences at casting calls, I've learned quite a bit, specifically:
- Show up on time and be prepared for things to run 20-90 minutes behind schedule.
- "The competition" are nicer than expected–out in the waiting room, there's a comforting sense of "we're all in this together" since everyone knows every audition is a huge long shot.
- The casting agents are pretty nice too.
- "Well groomed" means many things to many people.
- Looking generic makes you feel generic -- life is too short to not be yourself. After all, what else are you selling?
- I sweat when I'm nervous.

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